My darling husband has been as generous as ever and has shared his unpleasant cold/virus with me! Consequently, I have now lost my voice and am feeling really ropey. I won't mention Chris's comments on the loss of oratory powers! So, instead of the day we had planned: off to Kirkby Lonsdale, stroll by the river and something fine to eat, we've had a day lounging around the house and reading books. Reading and enjoying books is always extremely pleasurable and we've had a surprisingly lovely day.
My books to read pile is seriously tall and in danger of falling over so I selected a couple to read and a few more to dip into.
Firstly, though, I decided to finish reading the Kindle edition of Lesley Cookman's latest offering: Murder in the Dark. I enjoy my Kindle but I much, much prefer the real thing, the book. However, I was really pleased when the publishers brought forward the publication date for the Kindle edition of Murder in the Dark allowing me to read it 2 months ahead of the actual book. Result! I really enjoyed the novel, I always love Lesley Cookman's novels. The characters are great and I really want to be one of Libby's Loonies! I'd love to eat in the Pink Geranium and drive around the lanes of Kent with Libby and Fran.
Once I'd finished Murder in the Dark, I dipped into a couple of Miss Read novels. They are my ultimate comfort read, the literary version of mashed potato! Today I read a few chapters of The White Robin and Mrs Pringle.I rarely reread The White Robin as I always remember it to be a sad novel but, apart for the last few chapters, which I didn't read today, it's a typical Miss Read novel, full of wonderful characters and set in the lovely village of Fairacre. Mrs Pringle is also a joy and I enjoyed it more since reading somewhere that Mrs Pringle was Miss Read's favourite character.
After the hors d'oeuvre it was time for the main course, so I started reading an Anthony Trollope novel I have never read before: The Golden Lion of Granpere. It's been sitting on the bookshelf for some time waiting to be read and today was the day. I was keen to read it after I'd read Hugh Walpole's description of the novel as "one of the most charming idylls of English Literature". It's only a short novel, a mere bagatelle compared to the Barchester Chronicles and the Palliser novels, but it is truly enchanting. It's set in Alsace Lorraine and is the love story of Marie Bromar and George Voss. I'm about half way through the novel and am looking forward to another reading session after supper.
Finally, I couldn't resist reading one of my new acquisitions: S K Ensdaile's Marceline Goes to School. I've been looking for this book for a long time; I already have all the other books by the author, but I hadn't had any luck with this elusive title, until last week when, joy of joys, I spotted a copy with a dustwrapper for sale in the UK and not at a silly price. Wow! I was so pleased. Anyway, it arrived on Saturday and it's been tantalising me since then. So, I started reading and I'm loving the story of Marceline (Mark) and her chums at Rawnchester School. Mark is the only girl in her family and dreads the prospect of school but the pleasures of hockey, midnight feasts and the company of host of pals soon ensure that she loves school and gains "the unstinted acclamation of her house". A ripping read in the style of Angela Brazil.
My books to read pile is seriously tall and in danger of falling over so I selected a couple to read and a few more to dip into.
Firstly, though, I decided to finish reading the Kindle edition of Lesley Cookman's latest offering: Murder in the Dark. I enjoy my Kindle but I much, much prefer the real thing, the book. However, I was really pleased when the publishers brought forward the publication date for the Kindle edition of Murder in the Dark allowing me to read it 2 months ahead of the actual book. Result! I really enjoyed the novel, I always love Lesley Cookman's novels. The characters are great and I really want to be one of Libby's Loonies! I'd love to eat in the Pink Geranium and drive around the lanes of Kent with Libby and Fran.
Once I'd finished Murder in the Dark, I dipped into a couple of Miss Read novels. They are my ultimate comfort read, the literary version of mashed potato! Today I read a few chapters of The White Robin and Mrs Pringle.I rarely reread The White Robin as I always remember it to be a sad novel but, apart for the last few chapters, which I didn't read today, it's a typical Miss Read novel, full of wonderful characters and set in the lovely village of Fairacre. Mrs Pringle is also a joy and I enjoyed it more since reading somewhere that Mrs Pringle was Miss Read's favourite character.

Finally, I couldn't resist reading one of my new acquisitions: S K Ensdaile's Marceline Goes to School. I've been looking for this book for a long time; I already have all the other books by the author, but I hadn't had any luck with this elusive title, until last week when, joy of joys, I spotted a copy with a dustwrapper for sale in the UK and not at a silly price. Wow! I was so pleased. Anyway, it arrived on Saturday and it's been tantalising me since then. So, I started reading and I'm loving the story of Marceline (Mark) and her chums at Rawnchester School. Mark is the only girl in her family and dreads the prospect of school but the pleasures of hockey, midnight feasts and the company of host of pals soon ensure that she loves school and gains "the unstinted acclamation of her house". A ripping read in the style of Angela Brazil.