Canon Rawnsley's April at the Lakes

 In April at the Lakes Hardwicke Rawnsley writes:

The visitor to the English Lakes in April goes away astonished. He had expected warm days and weeping skies - he finds clear weather more akin to March, and understands why our Saxon forefathers called the month Oster Month, or the East-Wind Month. Keen, dry, easterly winds, alternating it is true, with spells of south and west that bring their gifts of rainbows to the dale, are his portion. Now and again the north wind whitens the hills from sky to valley, and one would suppose that winter had come again.

The weather over the past few weeks has been really changeable. We've had sunshine and warm days, heavy rain and, on one memorable day, we even had snow!

Canon Rawnsley would enjoy this month of contrasts, I think!