
One of the wonderful aspects of our new house is the sunsets, which are magnificent.  Watching the sun set across Morecambe Bay and the Lakeland hills, different every evening, brings to mind Coleridge's paean to the sunset.


  Samuel Taylor Coleridge - A Sunset

Upon the mountain's Edge all lightly resting
There a brief while the Globe of splendor sits   
And seems a creature of this earth; but soon
More changeful than the Moon
To wane fantastic his great orb submits.
A distant Hill of Fire: till sinking slowly
Even to a Star at length he lessens wholly.

Abrupt, as Spirits vanish, he is sunk
A soul-like breeze possesses all the wood;
The Boughs, the Sprays have stood
As motionless, as stands the ancient Trunk,
But every leaf thro' all the forest flutters,
And deep the Cavern of the fountain mutters