Lockdown Reading #5

As these strange times show no signs of abating, I continue to find solace in books and reading. I'm reading a mixture of fiction and non-fiction; some old favourites and some completely new authors. I might be running out of steam with my Oxenham Abbey Girls reading. I'm up to book 30 and am struggling a bit with Two Joans at the Abbey. I think I'll have a rest, read other books, and come back to the Abbey books in awhile. I think I'll turn my attention to a spot of cosy crime; it seems appropriate as the nights draw in and the weather gets cooler.

Mary Stewart The Ivy Tree

Elsie J Oxenham Two Joans at the Abbey

Elsie J Oxenham Maid of the Abbey

Elsie J Oxenham Rosamund's Castle

Elsie J Oxenham Jandy Mac Comes Back
Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse

Kerri Andrews Wanderers

Victoria Gilbert Shelved Under Murder
Dick Capel The Stream Invites Us to Follow

John Blair Building Anglo-Saxon England