Miss Read's Changes at Fairacre

I have loved Miss Read's books for years. She is such a fantastic writer, observing the small things which make life so special and pleasurable. I turn to Miss Read's books when I feel troubled, when I'm happy or simply to enjoy a visit to Fairacre or Thrush Green with old friends.

Chris and I love visiting castles, churches and ruins and they do us such a lot of good; putting life into perspective and giving us huge amounts of pleasure. 

I'm currently reading Changes at Fairacre and I came across this passage which totally chimes with how we feel. 

" ...thinking of the places we were now leaving behind....I realized how much good this holiday had done me. It had put things into perspective. To see those beautiful old houses, their contents, their well-kept gardens, all so enriching to the spirit, had made my own worries seem fleeting."