Christmas Books

We are pleased with our haul of books this Christmas. Some we bought for each other, and some we received as gifts from friends. 

We always like to celebrate the Icelandic tradition of giving and reading books on Christmas Eve. This year, our selection for Christmas Eve was purchased in Sam Read Bookseller in Grasmere.

As well as quite a few cosy crime novels and a couple of literary almanacs, I was pleased to receive the latest Girls Gone By "fill in"novel: Girls Gone By re-publish books by long ago authors, as well as books which "fill in", and act as prequels and sequels to some of these authors' books. They have republished all of Elinor M Brent-Dyer's Chalet School books, as well as many of her other titles. This Christmas's offering is the sequel to Brent-Dyers' Lorna books: Lorna's Last Term at Wynyards. I'm really enjoying reading this, with a glass of mulled wine, or two!

We also bought, and received a few Christmas themed books including Brian Bilston's latest Christmas poems: And So This is Christmas. Bilston is a recent discovery and we simply love him. I'm also really enjoying Jane Austen's Christmas. Such a lovely book to dip into and enjoy celebrating the Christmas holiday with Jane. Chris is loving The Illuminated Window and planning some churches to visit in the New Year. I think the first will be All Saint's, Norfolk Street in York.

We treated each other to some beautiful antiquarian topography, as well. I've been coveting Fielding and Walton's A Picturesque Tour of the English Lakes for some time, and Christmas seemed the perfect opportunity to take the plunge. It is an absolutely fascinating book, and we are delighted with it. The plates are simply stunning and worthy of a post to themselves.

We also acquired an excellent book about stone circles, standing stones and other similar edifices. Some friends have this book on their shelves and we have been eyeing it up whenever we visit! Finally, our antiquarian purchases were completed with a book about Sussex. Excursions in Sussex adds to our fairly extensive Sussex collection. As Chris is from Sussex it seems appropriate to have as much as possible about this lovely county.

An excellent selection of new, and old, books to add to our collection and keep us amused over the very wet and windy Christmas holiday.