
A friend posted this wonderful quote on her social media earlier this week, and I love it. These wonderful words are from a writer I had never heard of: Stella Martin Currey, and are taken from her book One Woman's Year.

 "The light lasts past tea-time in February, and because of that there comes a day sometimes, when it is possible to achieve a mixture of firelight, daffodils, open windows and tea. Delectable. If to this is added an optimistic bird singing outside, and the people round the fire know each other well enough to be able to sit back and say very little if they feel like it, then one can forgive February for everything. For about half an hour it can be my favourite month."

I was delighted to discover that this book had been republished by Persephone Books, one of my favourite small publishing houses. I immediately tracked it down, and bought it! Since it arrived earlier this week, I have been dipping in and thoroughly enjoying Stella Martin Currey's quirky style, memorable writing and wonderful woodcuts. I will definitely be recommending this book to friends.

Currey's words on February and the, cautious, welcome of early Spring, reminded me of one of my favourite writer's thoughts on the month. In A Peaceful Retirement Miss Read (Dora Saint) writes:

"Signs of Spring grew thick and fast, lifting our spirits after January's gloom....but perhaps the most cheering sign was the lengthening days. I remembered Dolly Clare saying how she welcomed February, "because you could have a walk in the light after tea". From such little things does spring begin".

It's pretty chilly at the moment, but there are signs of Spring everywhere, and we are already leaving work in the daylight, and this is always a cheering thought. Soon we will be able to have a local walk after our drive home. Wonderful!